Research Articles
Neural control of affiliative touch in prosocial interaction
Wu YE*, Dang J*, Kingsbury L, Zhang M, Sun F, Hu RK, Hong W Nature 599, 262-267 > Featured by Ranade. Nature Neuroscience (2021) 24, 1640 Vertical Divider
An amygdala-to-hypothalamus circuit for social reward
Hu RK, Zuo Y, Ly T, Wang J, Meera P, Wu YE, Hong W Nature Neuroscience 24, 831-842. [ Spectrum News ] > Featured by Szelenyi, Goodwin, and Golden. Nature Neuroscience (2021) 24, 761-762 Vertical Divider
Reviews and Commentaries
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Neural mechanisms of comforting: prosocial touch and stress buffering (Review)
Lim KY, Hong W Hormones and Behavior 153, 105391 Vertical Divider
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Organization of neural circuits underlying social behavior: A consideration of the medial amygdala (Review)
Raam T, Hong W Current Opinion in Neurobiology 68, 124-136 Vertical Divider
* co-first authors
Understanding social behavior -- Setting the stage for the next generation of neuroscience (Neuron Voices)
Hong W Neuron 99, 11-12 Vertical Divider
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—————————————— Starting the lab at UCLA in 2016 ——————————————
Automated measurement of mouse social behaviors using depth sensing, video tracking, and machine learning
Hong W, Kennedy A, Burgos-Artizzu X, Zelikowsky M, Navonne S, Perona P, Anderson DJ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, E5351-5360. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Toll receptors instruct axon and dendrite targeting and participate in synaptic partner matching in a Drosophila olfactory circuit
Ward A*, Hong W*, Favaloro V, Luo L Neuron 85, 1013-1028. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Antagonistic control of social versus repetitive self-grooming behaviors by separable amygdala neuronal subsets
Hong W, Kim DW, Anderson DJ Cell 158, 1348-1361. [ PDF | Caltech News ] > Featured by Welberg. Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2014) 15, 700-701 Vertical Divider
Genetic control of wiring specificity in the fly olfactory system (Review)
Hong W, Luo L Genetics 196, 17-29. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Assembly of A Neural Circuit (Review)
Hong W Science 342, 1186. (doi: 10.1126/science.1247568) [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Teneurins instruct synaptic partner matching in an olfactory map
Hong W, Mosca TJ, Luo L Nature 2012. 484, 201-207. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Trans-synaptic Teneurin signaling in neuromuscular synapse organization and target choice
Mosca TJ*, Hong W*, Dani VS, Favaloro V, Luo L Nature 2012. 484, 237-241. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Chaperone-dependent mechanisms for acid resistance in enteric bacteria (Review)
Hong W*, Wu YE*, Fu X, Chang Z Trends in Microbiology 2012. 20, 328-335. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Role of leucine-rich repeat proteins in the development and function of neural circuits
de Wit J*, Hong W*, Luo L, Ghosh A Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 27, 697-729. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane proteins instruct discrete dendrite targeting in an olfactory map
Hong W, Zhu H, Potter CJ, Barsh G, Kuruzu M, Zinn K, Luo L Nature Neuroscience 12, 2542-2550. [ PDF ] Vertical Divider
Conserved amphiphilic feature is essential for periplasmic chaperone HdeA to support acid resistance in enteric bacteria
Wu YE*, Hong W*, Zhang L, Liu C, Chang Z Biochemical Journal 412, 389-397. Vertical Divider
Periplasmic protein HdeA exhibits chaperone-like activity exclusively within stomach pH range by transforming into disordered conformation
Hong W, Jiao W, Hu J, Zhang J, Liu C, Fu X, Shen D, Xia B, Chang Z Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 27029-27034. Vertical Divider